I've been feeling grumpy and down lately. I went for a stroll in the neighbourhood and I must say that some houses are really well kept especially the garden. One house had an amazing door and I will take a picture next time I go there, preferably during the week so that the owners don't see me :P I also spotted a chickadee for the first time since I came here. I see american robins, sparrows, crows and this other bird (can't recall the name, it's black with shimmery feathers of green/blue) all the time so spotting a chickadee was completely new to me. This is what I love with Canada, the nature side. In Toronto, you have something called the urban jungle where you get hawks, and other animals living in the urban areas. One time I saw a badger in the chinatown neighbourhood. It was eating my friend's cat food. I also saw a ..shit my vocabulary is failing me today... this animal with a tail that builds bridges made of branches along rivers last time next to the GO station in streetsville. beaver??? it was swimming along the stream next to the station.
I'm seriously considering getting a dog. well once I start working..I need company :/

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