So today I went to goodlife fitness to try their bodycombat class and liked it. It's fun although I am still looking for something that's more tae bo oriented but it felt good to be able to punch, stomp and kick. At least with the coach, I can get advice on my movements as some I've not been doing them the correct way. My instructor is a tiny asian mix girl and she's really strong for her petite size. I was honestly impressed once she removed her jacket and her movements are so fluid and her elbow kicks are like "snap snap" . My former pilates teacher at uni was like that as well. I love the fluidity in their movements and how they're fit without being bulky. I did sign up for a membership and will take the body flow and zumba class in the incoming days. This club is women only-they do have co-ed and I find it more fun to be mixed with old and young women. In addition, most are relaxed and it's not like a competition for the most trendy gym wears with lulumoon etc.. I need to exercise to remove tension and my current frustration with Canada and my job quest. *roar* The funny part was to see all my er..curves jiggle with me..LOL
I also discovered the Joe line at Loblaws and was impressed. The quality seems superior than Zellers/walmart and so affordable although the variety is not that great. I bought a yoga pant for $10 and we'll see how good the fabric is. I mean where will I get yoga pants that cheap?? They have tops under 10 bucks as well and in cotton! Too many companies put lycra in theirs and it's just horrible. they're not that cheap either and on sales are still more than 10 bucks. My body feels achy fro the exercise and my legs tired from walking a total of 4 km to and from the gym. I want to take the bus but will keep that for winter as it's good to walk, it's like warming my legs before I exercise even if today's weather was"il pleut des cordes!".
G20 this week in downtown. Already it seems that activists are running wild in Toronto.-I think I'll keep my G1 appointment for next week as well as whatever I have to do downtown.
*back to job/resume writing <= so fed up of applying and modifying my resume over and over again! only to get rejections
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
papa yoyo and mama lulu
After months of trying, my male dog yoyo finally hit bull's eyes and the result is 4 puppies that came into this world yesterday ! I find that funny because Yoyo was and still is too short to mate with other female dogs but he succeeded with Lulu, my other dwarf griffon. I think my parents will have the females sterilized after since it's hard to sell puppies and we're not a breeding farm. I feel a bit sad that I missed this event and won't be able to see the puppies (except from pictures) and interact with them. It feels funny to be away from home because there are so many events I won't be taking part in: aging with my dogs, family events such as my cousin wedding etc.. It makes me think of "The Lovely Bones" where life will go on whether you are here or not. I wish I could afford to buy a pom dog.
OMG I just applied for a job at the Canadian Federal level. It was tedious and so many things to understand an read. I applied at the last minute (I thank my friend D for showing me the advert and I got her msg today since I was not logged on msn) so I am to blame if I missed something. Apparently results will be communicated in 6 frigging months.That hurts but better applied than not to even if I know my chances are quite slim since preference is given to citizens. I can always hope and I am applying to 3 more positions within the Govt at provincial and Fed level. There are so few openings online lately for csr and i am crossing toes and fingers. on the good side, i feel less stressed as i know i won't be getting interview related calls for now. well it's also a bad thing but ..i don't know i'm so fed up.At least in workshops, I met people who said they waited as long as 5 months to get jobs so I keep faith.
Next week is G20 in Toronto and it'll be crazy. I'm planning to go downtown and hit those recruiting agencies with my resume.
tired, will finish this entry later
OMG I just applied for a job at the Canadian Federal level. It was tedious and so many things to understand an read. I applied at the last minute (I thank my friend D for showing me the advert and I got her msg today since I was not logged on msn) so I am to blame if I missed something. Apparently results will be communicated in 6 frigging months.That hurts but better applied than not to even if I know my chances are quite slim since preference is given to citizens. I can always hope and I am applying to 3 more positions within the Govt at provincial and Fed level. There are so few openings online lately for csr and i am crossing toes and fingers. on the good side, i feel less stressed as i know i won't be getting interview related calls for now. well it's also a bad thing but ..i don't know i'm so fed up.At least in workshops, I met people who said they waited as long as 5 months to get jobs so I keep faith.
Next week is G20 in Toronto and it'll be crazy. I'm planning to go downtown and hit those recruiting agencies with my resume.
tired, will finish this entry later
Monday, June 7, 2010
good, bad day
"No One can make you feel inferior without your consent" Eleanor Roosevelt
“The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt” Max Lerner
"Maybe our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see Life with a clearer view again" Alex Tan
I'm trying hard not to fall into depression by my discouraging job quest. Any tips? I guess since it's the first time it's happening to me, it's harder to deal with. People I know are telling me it's a matter of patience but it really discourages me and the comments and treatment from some people make me depressed. oh well. The absence of personal space/intimacy is also adding to my stress level. It's hard to share a room with a sibling from table to bed. I can't even afford to rent a place, need to listen to his constant bashing about me, my inadequacy *bang head against wall* I think this attitude runs in my family. I should have stayed in Montreal on my own.
On the good side of things, my unmounted stamps on ebay sold! yay...well I am losing a bit but at least I'm getting some cash back. I also learned how to optimize my space by rolling my clothes. Since my arrival, my items are confined within my suitcase so this tip from the everyday minimalist blog was god sent. here is the result:

The way I roll is not perfect but it's easier to reach out for my clothes and organize them that way since they're not folded on top of one another. I keep my underwear in a separate box as they tend to be all over the place. The cool thing is that by rolling, I've more space in my luggage than by folding. I also love this post by her: 5 lies that you tell yourself that keep you spending because in many ways I could relate to it :P
The way I roll is not perfect but it's easier to reach out for my clothes and organize them that way since they're not folded on top of one another. I keep my underwear in a separate box as they tend to be all over the place. The cool thing is that by rolling, I've more space in my luggage than by folding. I also love this post by her: 5 lies that you tell yourself that keep you spending because in many ways I could relate to it :P
Sunday, June 6, 2010
The week-end was spent working on resumes and cover letters. Dedicated? Not really. I saw a few ads late and did not want to delay my application more. I feel reassured when I see companies I am interested in, advertise positions I am also interested in. It means that positions are being made available although whether I get it or not is another story! I plunged and bought a few resume and cover letters books. I do have my online resources but the mass of information is too overwhelming and time consuming (for the amount of junk you get) although www. has been the most useful so far. I managed to do pilates on Saturday and Sunday, and need to prepare myself for the incoming job fair on Wednesday. Reminder: I still need to figure out how to go to the job fair by public transit!
The incoming week will be challenging as I've a resume workshop, job fair and resume critique to attend. In addition, I am still looking at adverts and applying. Hopefully I'll be able to get something within the next two months. Crossing fingers. I need to network but I've no clue where to start *sigh* Being an new immigrant is proving itself to be quite tedious despite having lived in Toronto for 5 years and holding a degree there (although you can ask what's the value of a degree nowadays..). I should relax and invest myself in other activities (free if possible) although the long term financial aspect of my account is starting to worry me. I should hang out at and get tips on how to budget, control my purchase impulses and flood my blog with wish list posts instead of showing my credit/debit card! Maybe being jobless is also a time to work on my drawing skills although each minute spent away from my pc and not working on my resume etc..makes me anxious. days look like months when you're jobless. How sad is that when your worth seems to be determined only by your job.
I really want to watch splice :
It looks cool and deals with an interesting issue of science research. Hopefully it'll be available online soon. :P
In order to obtain the free shipping option at Chapters, I also bought this book creative wildfire by L K Ludwig. I hope to get it soon and be able to review it. The pages I saw off were quite interesting and I do hope it's not just another all around art journalling book!
The incoming week will be challenging as I've a resume workshop, job fair and resume critique to attend. In addition, I am still looking at adverts and applying. Hopefully I'll be able to get something within the next two months. Crossing fingers. I need to network but I've no clue where to start *sigh* Being an new immigrant is proving itself to be quite tedious despite having lived in Toronto for 5 years and holding a degree there (although you can ask what's the value of a degree nowadays..). I should relax and invest myself in other activities (free if possible) although the long term financial aspect of my account is starting to worry me. I should hang out at and get tips on how to budget, control my purchase impulses and flood my blog with wish list posts instead of showing my credit/debit card! Maybe being jobless is also a time to work on my drawing skills although each minute spent away from my pc and not working on my resume etc..makes me anxious. days look like months when you're jobless. How sad is that when your worth seems to be determined only by your job.
I really want to watch splice :
It looks cool and deals with an interesting issue of science research. Hopefully it'll be available online soon. :P
In order to obtain the free shipping option at Chapters, I also bought this book creative wildfire by L K Ludwig. I hope to get it soon and be able to review it. The pages I saw off were quite interesting and I do hope it's not just another all around art journalling book!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
stomach hurts
Thanks to overeating, and sleeping, now I feel like puking. yeah I'm a poet. New layout although I am not fully satisfied with it. The picture was taken with my canon Rebel T1i, it's not sharp enough in macro mode which means I need a macro lens since the one I have is an "all around" lens which you get in the kit. I tried to go outside my comfort zone for my journal by wrecking the page instead of keeping it clean. So far I am pleased with the result. I used this page for my banner. Need to take another picture with my canon 570 IS and see if it'll be sharper.
I've been feeling grumpy and down lately. I went for a stroll in the neighbourhood and I must say that some houses are really well kept especially the garden. One house had an amazing door and I will take a picture next time I go there, preferably during the week so that the owners don't see me :P I also spotted a chickadee for the first time since I came here. I see american robins, sparrows, crows and this other bird (can't recall the name, it's black with shimmery feathers of green/blue) all the time so spotting a chickadee was completely new to me. This is what I love with Canada, the nature side. In Toronto, you have something called the urban jungle where you get hawks, and other animals living in the urban areas. One time I saw a badger in the chinatown neighbourhood. It was eating my friend's cat food. I also saw a ..shit my vocabulary is failing me today... this animal with a tail that builds bridges made of branches along rivers last time next to the GO station in streetsville. beaver??? it was swimming along the stream next to the station.
I'm seriously considering getting a dog. well once I start working..I need company :/

I've been feeling grumpy and down lately. I went for a stroll in the neighbourhood and I must say that some houses are really well kept especially the garden. One house had an amazing door and I will take a picture next time I go there, preferably during the week so that the owners don't see me :P I also spotted a chickadee for the first time since I came here. I see american robins, sparrows, crows and this other bird (can't recall the name, it's black with shimmery feathers of green/blue) all the time so spotting a chickadee was completely new to me. This is what I love with Canada, the nature side. In Toronto, you have something called the urban jungle where you get hawks, and other animals living in the urban areas. One time I saw a badger in the chinatown neighbourhood. It was eating my friend's cat food. I also saw a ..shit my vocabulary is failing me today... this animal with a tail that builds bridges made of branches along rivers last time next to the GO station in streetsville. beaver??? it was swimming along the stream next to the station.
I'm seriously considering getting a dog. well once I start working..I need company :/

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
achy fingers and scissors
I'm done! Five days ago I received my unmounted rubber stamps foam and spent days sticking and cutting. Today I finally saw the end of my misery and have 4 files (with 4 pages each) of stamps, and 6 loose ones for which I need to buy more files (the dollar store is my best friend there) which totals to 22 sheets excluding my acrylic stamps and the ones left in Montreal. I still have two sheets of foam left and will order more once I get a job.
I'm selling some stamps on ebay but it seems not to be working. I'll try to decrease the shipping cost although I can't decrease the price to the point where it equals the postage. We'll see how it goes else I'll try etsy and craiglist. I'm also getting rid of some books but postage is rather expensive in Canada even to the USA once it becomes a package. Maybe I should try sending via bubble envelopes instead.At most I'll sell them on craiglist for $5 and they have to be picked up. Heh.
I wished I could sleep with a quiet mind like my brother.
I'm selling some stamps on ebay but it seems not to be working. I'll try to decrease the shipping cost although I can't decrease the price to the point where it equals the postage. We'll see how it goes else I'll try etsy and craiglist. I'm also getting rid of some books but postage is rather expensive in Canada even to the USA once it becomes a package. Maybe I should try sending via bubble envelopes instead.At most I'll sell them on craiglist for $5 and they have to be picked up. Heh.
I wished I could sleep with a quiet mind like my brother.
Tazim give away
My friend Tazim is having a give away in honor of her birthday. It's a 30 days give away (don't you feel spoiled??). Please follow the button :
it all begins with the first step
once you start something, the rest comes in more easily.
i hate calling but once i do the first one, I'm in the mood to go on ;P
thought of the day: you can NEVER know what people need or want until you ASK
so stop stressing about the small stuffs, its just the small stuffs..
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