Sunday, September 26, 2010
the fortress
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
why i love amazon
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Par les soirs bleus d'été, j'irai dans les sentiers,
Picoté par les blés, fouler l'herbe menue :
Rêveur, j'en sentirai la fraîcheur à mes pieds.
Je laisserai le vent baigner ma tête nue.
Je ne parlerai pas, je ne penserai rien :
Mais l'amour infini me montera dans l'âme,
Et j'irai loin, bien loin, comme un bohémien,
Par la nature, heureux comme avec une femme.
Arthur Rimbaud
Today I went to Sq One and did a quick stop by Pet Smart- I was surprised to see that they no longer sell dogs. Instead there were fish. I was tempted to buy an aquarium but this will have to wait. There's nothing more relaxing than to watch fishes swim by and decorate your aquarium like a jungle. Too bad Pet Smart sell mainly "common" tropical fish and some were sick :/ I wonder what happened to my fishes. Knowing my folks, they must have neglected the fish to the point where they died. The Canadian sky is so full of airplanes whether it is Toronto or Mississauga. Sometimes I wonder where these people are going, to warmer regions now that fall and soon winter is closing in?
Sometimes I wonder what my heart aches for? I bought another rimbaud book off together with mess by keri smith and unleash the buddha within. I need to go back on track again. I can't rely on places, people etc.. If I want change, I am the one who need to initiate it how hard it is. I need to act than react and the first step is to move out.
Monday already. Week-end was again sharing space with my brother but well it could have been worse.
I almost forgot

Sunday, September 12, 2010
grinding my teeth

I'm looking for an apartment, earlier than anticipated but I'm tired of being there and getting additional stress and health issues. My body is on the verge of cracking down but I have to grind my teeth and bear with it until I find something more appropriate. Who knew that immigrating would be that painful despite going back to a country where I've lived for 5 years?
Monday, September 6, 2010
i miss home
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010

it rained a few hours ago and as fast as the rain fell, it disappeared. I was hoping for night showers and thunderstorms. Apparently my wish won't be granted. I feel like I am every boss's nightmare. I am making lot of mistakes, hanging on people by error, losing attention and what not. I'm still on training but mistakes are mistakes. It's frustrating as I am someone who usually pick up things fast and now bang, it is no longer working. To keep me going today, I was like "it's a challenge, challenge" but then got a bit confused thanks to someone who'll remain nameless. I need to have more confidence in me such that people who brag they know it all won't touch me because I feel I am not at their level.