Sunday, November 7, 2010

Going back to Toronto

Yesterday we had a great weather in Montreal..great compared to the past days and I managed to go to L'Oratoire de St Joseph, and stroll on Ste Catherine street. I also had dinner at R place and they're such amazing people. I love R, she's like oxygen: a few minutes in her company, you're like someone who got a "Don't worry Be happy" injection. Seriously she's one of those people who make a difference in a crowd, in the world.Thanks R!

I left around 12:15 although I wanted to to stay longer and talk more. Time in good company flies..too fast! It was really nice to listen to her and simon and it made me think of the convos I used to have with W back in University. We used to chat and chat until 3 am about everything and nothing. It's so rare that I have an interesting conversation with a human being nowadays.

I miss all that. I understand times goes on on, people move on and I do miss the good times including my good friends back home like J.

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