Tuesday, November 30, 2010


My brother says I talk too much and tire him. I was telling him about moving and the new internet. He called the provider and said how he'll like to have cable installed. he did not specify when: the company has to call him on the eve or the same day morning to say when they're coming . How stupid is that? So if the company calls and says they're coming in 10 mins? or what if they don't call you until 3 weeks later. My brother is like whether I think these guys are stupid and of course they'll come as soon as they can. Really? You must be kidding me if any company still has this kind of service nowadays where you'll be first come first serve. Not telling them a date means you're not in a hurry plus he did not ask when they're mailing the modem. he assumes it'll be this week. I asked him to call back tomorrow and ask when the modem is being mailed and if they can drop by this week-end or next week between x time. *roll eyes*

Moving is tedious. I spent the week packing when I could and what has him been doing? Playing games during the week-end while I was working. I asked him to move some packages for me as I was not there to do so; I come home to find him in bed with the duvet and playing games on his laptop. He has moved only one suitcase..the whole day. He has things in the basement, has no idea what/where they are and does not even care to look for them. Well that's his own problem. I do have more stuffs than him but I'm not going to do double work..Guys are such morons. He's never in a hurry, waits until the last moment and then the unexpected arise and he needs to scramble around..I swear..I could never live with someone like that. I still wonder what his gf finds in him..Jeezzz

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